The Harvard Graduate School of Education has hired Praxis Connections around planning and development for the newly launched Leadership Institute for Faith and Education. Please visit the L.I.F.E. website to learn more about this exciting new effort.


He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8 (NASB)

Praxis Connections Review


Engaging Students, Families, & Communities for Better Outcomes: Book Recommendations

Our Mission

Praxis Connections creates impact by connecting leaders, strategies, and resources to build stronger individuals, families, and communities through collaborative justice & mercy.

Ruben Austria

Archbishop Joseph A. Alexander

Ruben Austria

Ruben Austria

Rudy Carrasco

Rudy Carrasco

Romanita Hairston

Romanita Hairston

Rev. Charles H. Hammond, Ph.D.

Rev. Charles H. Hammond, Ph.D.

Julio Medina

Julio Medina

Gilford T. Monrose

Gilford T. Monrose

Rev. Dr. Marc Rivera

Rev. Dr. Marc Rivera

Harold Dean Trulear, Ph.D.

Harold Dean Trulear, Ph.D.

Nicole Valentine, Esq.

Nicole Valentine, Esq.

Praxis Forums Recent Events

Her Name Is…Healing Hearts

On March 28th Praxis Connections, Nyack College School of Social Work, and Treasures NYC held an event focusing on the influencing factors, scale, and scope of the sex in the industry and a special focus on highlighting the effective work of the Treasures NYC ministry which equips women to build relationships with women working in the NYC strip clubs.

Her Name Is…Healing Hearts emphasized that those who are working in the industry are people. Our neighbors… someone’s mother or sister. Building relationships rooted in love equipped with an understanding of how trauma & other dynamics that have produced some brokenness… 

Collaborative Justice and Mercy

The Challenge

How do we love our neighbor in our fast paced, disconnected, polarized, and technological world? Our neighbor the widow, orphan, incarcerated, immigrant, hungry, homeless, elderly, ill, and poor. How do we do it with love and mercy that is rooted in justice? How would we know if we are truly loving them and doing it effectively? Most efforts to solve today's problems operate in silos disconnected from one another. They are not working together to show the love, mercy, and justice of God.

The Solution

Praxis Connections creates impact by connecting leaders, strategies, and resources that incorporates a theory & methodology of change we call Collaborative Justice & Mercy. Collaborative Justice & Mercy is rooted in the biblical values of Micah 6:8 and Matthew 25:31-46 and envelopes the following:

1) Shared Vision/Mission
2) Aligned Action
3) Shared Knowledge
4) Empowered Execution
5) Shared Metrics
6) Models & Mobilization of Resources

Collaborative Justice & Mercy flow out of a shared love of Christ, neighbor, neighborhood, and action.

Praxis Forums

Praxis Forums brings leaders together to foster a better collaborative eco system by building stronger relationships, increased knowledge and effort for Collaborative Justice & Mercy.

Collaborative Coaching & Consulting

Praxis Connections will provide neighborhood collaborations coaching on how to strengthen their community impact.

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Praxis Connections Review

Praxis Connection Review is an online journal that highlights collaboration, innovation, and impact through churches in NYC.

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Loving Our Neighbor & Neighborhood

Seeks to creatively & effectively meet the needs of our homeless, incarcerated, widows, orphans, elderly, hungry, and those living in poverty.

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